Drunk Geography with Jessica Jones


Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

Like many,  I’ve been barreling my way through Netflix’s Jessica Jones, and as great as it is, one thing irks me like nobody’s  business.  The blatant disregard for the New York City grid system must stop!

We Live In A World With Rules

I live in the neighborhood where the show was filmed, and I’ve been here for a long time. I know all the locations like the back of my hand, and can frequently be found hanging out in these places.

They filmed in NYC’s East Village and Alphabet City, but the show constantly changes the signs to appear to be set in a different albeit less gritty and cool location, and I’m keeping an eye on it all, and posting them in this new series, Drunk Geography with Jessica Jones.

I tried being a good citizen and reporting the errors to Jessica on twitter, only to be rebuffed. Me! Mighty Dale!!!

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The next example is, my local grocery store, which is located on………………


This is actually 4th Street and Avenue A, Alphabet city, definitely not 56th Street

Jessica go home, you’re still drunk, and probably confusing the shit out of tourists.